My Story

So, this is the new me…

But first, let me tell you how it all started: with me editing films and commercials. I loved it, was good at it; still, after seven successful years, I needed a change.

Together with business partner Marcel Pantera, I started Treat-Amsterdam. We developed creative concepts for events and brands and created numerous amazing and high-quality experiences for clients all over the world. Along the way, I found my footing as an art director and a show director. And in the seven years that followed, I developed the skills, my talent and also my love for it. Want to see me smile? Put me in a live show!

Turning forty I was motivated to do just this and only this: live Shows. The bigger, the better. I left Treat-Amsterdam for a new adventure.


This is the new me. Build with all of the old me’s. All my experience, creativity, enthusiasm and craftsmanship. An independent Art Director, Show Director and Show Caller.

I hope you love my work a much as I do.

What I do

Show Direction

I develop a show script that is the blueprint for a perfectly executed show. It contains all the cues for artists, performers, light, video, sound and special effects. In pre-production, the script is used to open up the show and find all the quirks and specials the show has. It is a talking piece for all involved and helps to develop the flow of the show very precisely. It is, of course, also the foundation upon which the direction during the event depends.

Art Direction

A show gets its soul from its content, its heart from the flow and its looks from assured and original art direction. It is what sets the tone, informs the guests and is often the most memorable. I am responsible for the visual style of the show productions and photo or video shoots.

Show Calling

To me, the beauty of show calling is the perfect balance of a million little things in one important moment. You have to both be entirely consumed by the theatrical moment and take a step back and guide all involved to the next one. You have to be technical, precise, strict and then… have the capability to ‘go with the moment’. For as long as the show runs, you are there, at the top of your abilities, concentrated and, well, having a ton of fun as you cue all involved with the show.